Friday, April 8, 2011

Goodbye Blog World

I am sad to say that I have decided not to pursue blogging anymore. Once again I have run out of space and I must buy more space or create another blog if I want to continue. I decided to choose to do neither. This was a tough decision because I have so enjoyed posting for you. Thank you to my faithful followers who kept up with my little stories and pictures.

If you want to ever drop me a line you can always email me at  or call or text or drop by my house...etc.  : )  You can also catch me on Facebook. Shoot me an email if you need help finding me on there. I also send out monthly emails of pictures of Logan. If you are not already included in my contact list, send me an email so I can include you with my monthly updates.

If I get enough emails from people complaining about my decision not to just may convince me to create a new account.  : ) 

If not I will just let it go once and for all.

I still want to finish out my Picture Challenge for you. I am out of room to post pictures but I will atleast answer the question for you. Here it goes....
Day 26 : A picture that means a lot to you. ~ I would had probally chosen a picture of a loved one that has passed on that I miss a lot.

Day 27: A picture of yourself and a family member. ~ I would had chosen a picture of me and my grandmother, Grace.

Day 28: A picture of something you are afraid of. ~ I am ashamed to say it but I am scared of the dark. : ) lol

Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile. ~ Any picture of my husband and son together would make me smile.

And FINALLY.....

Day 30: A picture of someone you miss. ~ I would had chosen a picture of all of my family from the Eastern Shore.

Be Blessed!

Day 25

A picture of your favorite day.
1-28-06 is my favorite day. The day I met Jack, my life was complete. However, our wedding day put the icing on the cake. I felt like the most blessed girl in the world the day I married my best friend. He makes me feel like a princess every single day.

Day 24
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A picture of something you wish you could change.

Something I wish I could change would be that my husband could be home a lot more than he currently is. Jack is on the Coast Guard boat called the Sea Horse. They do security and escorts for Navy vessels, aircraft carriers, submarines, etc. The picture posted above is the Sea Horse doing a sub escort. I am counting down the days until Jack is all done with this boat. It has been a good experience for him. However, I am looking forward to the days when he is home more. He is worth the wait! : ) Jack will be XPO of the CG cutter, Kennebec in about 3 weeks. This means he will be Chief and second in charge of that cutter. He has worked very hard to get to where he is and I am so very proud of Jack.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 23

A picture of your favorite book.
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OMG. I loved this book. It was even better than the movie!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Greater Love

Loves walking in daddy's shoes. This just cracks me up.
Love that sweet smile.
My big boy.
Sun kissed and in his tv zone.

I love this kid with my whole heart.

Day 22

A picture of something you wish you were better at.

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I am not going to sell myself short. I can cook most things. However, I am no Paula Deen. lol. I wish I could cook and bake a lot better! It is true...a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. It is a good thing Jack already loved me a whole lot when we first got married. My cooking really stunk then. I have progressivley gotten better and better! : )

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 21

A picture of your favorite night.
Once again this was a tough one to answer. I have had many great nights that I will always remember. However, the night of 9-10-09 tops the charts in my book. The night Logan was born was a night I will never forget as long as I live. I went into labor on 9-9-09 around 3:30 pm. Logan came into this world at 3:00 am on 9-10-09. This is my favorite picture from the night Logan was born. I do not know why it is blurry, the original is clear. Anyway, this is by far one of my favorite nights.

Monday, April 4, 2011


His shirt says it all. : )
Sorry non-feet fans! haha!

Beautiful spring day today! Even our two pups enjoyed play time outside. Usually they are very spoiled and just want to stay in the house. As you can see I walked around barefoot today! It is one of my favorite things to do! I sure did miss Jack today. He was working hard for his family, of course. I am so thankful for my loving and supportive husband.

By the way....that is not a wart or a mole or whatever you think it is on my big right toe....It is just where I stubbed my toe today! : ) Just sayin.

busy & beautiful day

It was such a nice day yesterday...busy but nice. We took Logan to one of our favorite parks, Sleepy Hole. The sunshine was great and Logan had so much fun running around. We then ran some errands in Chesapeake. We also went to our friends house to visit with their family from Canada. Logan had fun with his new friends, Emma and Carter. I left my camera at home so I do not have any pictures to share. However, our friends took some pictures so maybe I will be able to show you some later. We went back home to play outside some more. Logan's buddy, Landon shows up at our house with his mommy and daddy. When the day was done I had one tired boy on my hands (Jack) : ) ...on the other hand, Logan was my energizer bunny....hehehehe.

My little buddy is taking a nap right now. Hopefully he wakes up soon so we can take advantage of this gorgeous weather today too. I've heard tomorrow is supposed to be cold. I guess I will save tomorrow for a shopping day! : )

Day 20

A place you would like to travel.
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For our honeymoon we went to the beautiful Dominican Republic. I loved our time there and hope to one day go back. I would settle to travel anywhere tropical. However, for sake of the question I choose Aruba.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 19

A picture of when you were little.
This is a picture of my sissy and I. I think I was 5 and she was 7. Seems just like yesterday.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 18

A picture of your biggest insecurity.
I LOVE the SUN. However, I am insecure about the effects the sun has on my skin. I have been going to the beach for as long as I can remember. I can recall long days at the beach where I would literally bake in the sun with no sunscreen at all....just oil! Goodness gracious...the sun has done a number on my skin and I will probally pay for it later in life. This is a picture I took while Logan and I were playing in the yard today.

Speaking of sunshine....we really enjoyed being out in the pretty weather today.

My child loves to lay in the dirt.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Jack had to work today...but he is home soon and then he is mine...all mine! mine! mine!

Have a blessed night.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

I can not say that anything really has made a huge impact on me in the past few days or weeks. I can say that almost 19 months ago the birth of our son made a huge impact on my life. One can not even begin to imagine how your life will be different before you have a baby. You can only understand through the experience itself. Kids are a lot of work but they change your life for the better without a shadow of a doubt. I can not imagine my life without my son in it. He is the light of my life and such a precious gift from God. He has made the hugest impact on my life for many different reasons. Logan is such a blessing to Jack and I. The picture posted above is Logan 3 days old. We were leaving the hospital to take him home for the first time. I can not believe he was ever this small.