Monday, January 31, 2011


Looking very GQ.

He wouldn't hold onto it so I hung it on his ear. : )

Reading mommy's old Valentines book.

Evidently I received this book in '87.

looking sharp.

I took some Valentine's Day pictures today of my little Romeo. He looked all business in his four piece Nautica suit. I will post more Valentine pictures soon.

he's good to me.

Mommy and Logan not feeling their bestest.

Jack, Logan, and myself have had colds for a little over a week now. My husband made me homemade chicken noodle soup. If it were up to me I would had opened up a can of chicken noodle but he took the hard way. It meant a lot to me and it was yummy too!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Happy 5th Anniversary babe!

It seems just like yesterday Jack and I said, "I do." It will be a day to remember forever. My most favorite part of our wedding day was when I was walking down the aisle with my dad. I saw Jack at the end of the aisle and my heart had butterflies. Our eyes were locked on each other and he had tears in his eyes. I later asked him that night what had brought tears to his eyes at that moment. He told me because he felt like the luckiest man in the world and he could not get over how beautiful I was. I love that story and I love my husband!

Our first dance...It's Your Love, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.

My cousins, Eric, Alan, and Brandon.

Jack getting my garter. : )
Last picture take of me as a single lady!

Sorry the picture qulaity is not the best. I took a picture of a picture so I could post a few on here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Five years ago today was the eve before our wedding day. 5 years ago today was of course our wedding rehearsal at the church where I grew up and rehearsal dinner at Bill's in Chincoteague. I remember being so excited....never nervous...just excited for our big day! God blessed me and put Jack in my path and he changed my life forever. I am so blessed to have such a good man who loves me for me.  I could go on all day about my man but I'll just leave it like that. January 27th and 28th will always hold a very special place in my heart. I love you Jack!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mommom & Poppop

Trying out Mommom's glasses.
Piggy back ride!

The Cavalier

Best seat in the house!
So sweet!

Pictures in the bathroom. :)

The fireplace where Nixon liked to stand.

Jack and I celebrated our 5th wedding Anniversary at the Cavalier. This is a hidden gem of Virginia Beach. It has vintage charm and elegance. The Cavalier has a lot of history and many famous people have stayed and dined here including Presidents of the USA. The Cavalier is even said to be haunted as well. I did not care for this too much but aside from that I loved it here.

This Cavalier is the most romantic place to dine. We had the best seat for two in the house right beside the roaring fireplace. The manager of the hotel learned that we were there to celebrate our anniversary. He gave us a bottle of champagne on the house. We were so appreciative. We ordered our meal and everything was fabulous. The manager came over to our table at the end of our meal to wish us a Happy Anniversary. He thanked Jack for serving our country and he told us that our meal was on the house. We were taken back by his generosity and kindness.

We are anxious to return. I rate this place a 10 and I highly recommend visiting if you are ever in Virginia Beach.This was by far my most favorite anniversary celebration!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Perked Up! Cafe

Jack getting my coffee at Perked Up! : ) I have time for one more post tonight. But I promise...this is it for the night! Jack was a good sport and took me to a cute coffee shop for, coffee of course. He thinks this is a girly thing to do but he knew how much I wanted to go. hehe : ) If you are ever in VA Beach swing by for some tea or coffee. I got a french vanilla cappachino. They also have little and adorable cupcakes, cookies, breakfast sandwiches, chicken salad...etc.

We couldn't go to VA Beach and not go to Fort Story. I love lighthouses and the atmosphere at the beach there. I always see those boats in the distance as I am crossing the bay bridge. It was neat to see them up close for the first time that day. Jack also anchors out there near them when he is working....(just some random info for you.)

Well this is a wrap my peeps!

Check back tomorrow for my Cavalier post! : )

Sweet Dreams.