Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Perked Up! Cafe

Jack getting my coffee at Perked Up! : )

Ok..so I have time for one more post tonight. But I promise...this is it for the night! Jack was a good sport and took me to a cute coffee shop for, coffee of course. He thinks this is a girly thing to do but he knew how much I wanted to go. hehe : ) If you are ever in VA Beach swing by for some tea or coffee. I got a french vanilla cappachino. They also have little and adorable cupcakes, cookies, breakfast sandwiches, chicken salad...etc.

We couldn't go to VA Beach and not go to Fort Story. I love lighthouses and the atmosphere at the beach there. I always see those boats in the distance as I am crossing the bay bridge. It was neat to see them up close for the first time that day. Jack also anchors out there near them when he is working....(just some random info for you.)

Well this is a wrap my peeps!

Check back tomorrow for my Cavalier post! : )

Sweet Dreams.

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