Monday, January 10, 2011

16 Months Old

Dreams really do come true. Ours came wrapped in baby blue. ~author unknown

Today we are celebrating 16 months of love, laughter, and learning.

Who knew that changing diapers, bathtime, cleaning up food & milk spills, carrying 20 plus pounds on my hip constantly, tripping on toy cars & blocks, teething, doctors appointments, temper tantrums and so on could make me so happy?

 Raising a child in general is tough.

But even the bad times are all good to me!

I could had never understood this before Logan came along...even when I was pregnant I still couldn't had understood. I never would had guessed in a million years I would enjoy doing the stuff I do now. It is not necessarily the task-at-hand that I enjoy. It is the simple joy of taking care of my son. 

I do not want to discount the good that comes along with having a child. The good far outweigh the bad and it's the good that make the bad times worth it. 

Logan's hugs and kisses and the little giggles and smiles alone are the best! I love how Logan depends on Jack and I 100% for everything right now. I know one day that will all change so I am enjoying it while it lasts. Watching your child learn and grow is amazing. It is the simplest things right now that Logan does that makes my heart smile. Such as the way his paci, blankie, and pillow pet will calm him down in a heartbeat from a crying spell... how the silliest face will make him burst out a big ole laugh....his sweet smell after getting a bath....oh I could go on all day about this kid!

We love you Logan!

Logan this morning in his pj's......just being Logan.

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