Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Audiology Evaluation and Day 9

We are back from Logan's appointment with the Audiologist at Portsmouth Naval. They took a picture of the inside of Logan's ears and he passed with flying colors. There was also a test where there would be sounds made to see if Logan would react to them. He did not react to much of that but that is not uncommon for kids his age. Kids Logan's age just do not care about that part of the exam. The Audiologist also said that it did not help that Logan had just woke up from a nap either. He was able to tell me very confidently that Logan's hearing is fine. He is followed up again in a year. I am one happy momma. : )

Now for the dreaded speech therapy evaluation. We are still waiting on the referral to be reviewed then I can make an appointment.

I will leave you with a few pictures from the other day.

Check out the shirt...."Jack's Cycle Shop."

Day 9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
google image

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I do not know how I would had made it through some rough patches in my past if I did not have my heavenly father to lean on. He has been there for me in good times and bad and even during times when I did not even deserve him.

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