Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 10

A picture of something you hate.
google image

This picture depicts a little child with lack on knowledge, hence ignorance, of the fact that he could get hurt doing what he is about to do simply because he is just a child. This is not the type of ignorance I hate...keep reading.

Hate is such a strong word. I do not like to say that I hate anything. However, I do not like ignorance. The kind of ignorance I am talking about springs from people that are unkind, selfish, disrespectful...etc.  I do feel like are still a lot of good people left out there but there are still those that would love to break your spirit down and see you crumble. I do not have any room in my life for people like this.

Ok. I am done. I really do not like to post downer posts such as this. However, this question was part of my picture challenge and I am determined to stick to it!

I have been cleaning away today! My parents are coming in town tomorrow to take care of Logan. Jack and I are going on a date all day and for a good part of the night. I am EXCITED! I will take my camera along of course...maybe I will get a few good pictures to share with you.

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

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