Saturday, January 8, 2011

sticky hands & sticky faces....

make STICKY places!

Geez mom, More pictures?

Take the wrapper of this thing, mom!

Logan says to his teddy bear, "Atleast were in this together."

He loves sitting at the table.

Someone thinks they are a big boy!

lollipop all gone...can I have another one?
Like I have said is very hard to get Logan to sit still for a picture. Can you blame him? Boring stuff! He wants to be running free and playing with his toys. I tried today. Failed. I bribed him with a lollipop. Semi success. Well he had lollipop all over his face and all over his hands...which resulted in lollipop slobber all over the house. It's ok. I am used to messes by now with a toddler running around here. He enjoyed it and it made me happy.

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