Saturday, January 8, 2011


 This is a continuation of

You can still check out my old posts if you choose to. They will always be there.

I will post more pictures soon!

Please add my new blog to your favorites! : )


P.S. I guess I should explain my header, Live. Laugh. Love. I know this is an overused saying. However, I really think it sums up my life in general. I love LIFE. I love to LAUGH. I live to LOVE. I think without love and laughter life would be very meaningless. It is as simple as that. Blogging is a simple attempt for me to document my little family's life together. One day I hope Logan looks back on all my posts and sees how much we love him. I am not into scrapbooking or keeping babybooks. However, I think this gets the job done!

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