Monday, April 4, 2011

busy & beautiful day

It was such a nice day yesterday...busy but nice. We took Logan to one of our favorite parks, Sleepy Hole. The sunshine was great and Logan had so much fun running around. We then ran some errands in Chesapeake. We also went to our friends house to visit with their family from Canada. Logan had fun with his new friends, Emma and Carter. I left my camera at home so I do not have any pictures to share. However, our friends took some pictures so maybe I will be able to show you some later. We went back home to play outside some more. Logan's buddy, Landon shows up at our house with his mommy and daddy. When the day was done I had one tired boy on my hands (Jack) : ) ...on the other hand, Logan was my energizer bunny....hehehehe.

My little buddy is taking a nap right now. Hopefully he wakes up soon so we can take advantage of this gorgeous weather today too. I've heard tomorrow is supposed to be cold. I guess I will save tomorrow for a shopping day! : )

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