Friday, April 8, 2011

Goodbye Blog World

I am sad to say that I have decided not to pursue blogging anymore. Once again I have run out of space and I must buy more space or create another blog if I want to continue. I decided to choose to do neither. This was a tough decision because I have so enjoyed posting for you. Thank you to my faithful followers who kept up with my little stories and pictures.

If you want to ever drop me a line you can always email me at  or call or text or drop by my house...etc.  : )  You can also catch me on Facebook. Shoot me an email if you need help finding me on there. I also send out monthly emails of pictures of Logan. If you are not already included in my contact list, send me an email so I can include you with my monthly updates.

If I get enough emails from people complaining about my decision not to just may convince me to create a new account.  : ) 

If not I will just let it go once and for all.

I still want to finish out my Picture Challenge for you. I am out of room to post pictures but I will atleast answer the question for you. Here it goes....
Day 26 : A picture that means a lot to you. ~ I would had probally chosen a picture of a loved one that has passed on that I miss a lot.

Day 27: A picture of yourself and a family member. ~ I would had chosen a picture of me and my grandmother, Grace.

Day 28: A picture of something you are afraid of. ~ I am ashamed to say it but I am scared of the dark. : ) lol

Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile. ~ Any picture of my husband and son together would make me smile.

And FINALLY.....

Day 30: A picture of someone you miss. ~ I would had chosen a picture of all of my family from the Eastern Shore.

Be Blessed!

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