Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

I can not say that anything really has made a huge impact on me in the past few days or weeks. I can say that almost 19 months ago the birth of our son made a huge impact on my life. One can not even begin to imagine how your life will be different before you have a baby. You can only understand through the experience itself. Kids are a lot of work but they change your life for the better without a shadow of a doubt. I can not imagine my life without my son in it. He is the light of my life and such a precious gift from God. He has made the hugest impact on my life for many different reasons. Logan is such a blessing to Jack and I. The picture posted above is Logan 3 days old. We were leaving the hospital to take him home for the first time. I can not believe he was ever this small.

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