Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you.

Logan Michael inspires me everyday. He makes me want to be the best I can be. I am not perfect by no means but I try my best everyday to make sure my little guy is taken care of. He deserves the best and I love him to the moon and back.

A few pictures for you....

If Logan's paci is not in his can bet his fingers will be. Logan is getting some more teeth in so he is constantly chewing on his itty bitty fingers. Poor little guy. I would much rather deal with "growing pains" then heartbreaks that he will have later in life. Right now I can kiss his boo boos away.  : )
Watching the dump truck.


He lays just like Jack.

Speech Therapy Update:

Logan's speech therapy at Portsmouth Naval was denied because they have reached their maximum amount of patients that they see. I have been calling around to suvillian speech therapists and the waitlist is unbelievable! I contacted a company today and things seem good with them. I am to be contacted within another week to set up an appointment. The good thing is they actually come evaluate right at your house! That is a HUGE plus for Logan. I feel like in his own environment he will do much better. I will update you as soon as things get rolling with that.

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