Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chicken House

Sweet baby chick.
Logan watching my dad work.
Love his little boots. Thanks, Aunt Heather!
Logan's little buddy.
Trying to pick up a chickie.
My dad and Uncle Don have been raising chickens for years. I thought Logan might like seeing the baby chicks. When the birds get full grown every inch of this house is filled. Right now there is a lot of space it seems because they are still so small. I really thought he would not have much to do with the birds but he did. He kept laughing at the birds and tried picking them up by their necks. He never could get hold of them....so don't worry...no birds were harmed. : ) When my sister and I were little we actually brought a few chickens home for our pet. haha. We named them Freddie and Charlotte.

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