Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 Day Picture Challenge

So everyone on Facebook seems to be doing this new thing where you post pictures of different things regarding your life. I guess it is something to do to get to know the individual better. I would rather do this challenge on my blog verses Facebook. So here it goes....

Day 1

A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

It is hard to find a picture with just me in it.

Fifteen Facts:

1. I am the wife to my amazing and handsome, smart, and funny husband Jack for 5 years. We have been together for 7 years.

2. I am the mother to my handsome and sweet toddler, Logan Michael.

3. I love anything outdoors especially the beach.

4. I love shopping.

5. I drink coffee every morning with an insane amount of coconut cream. : )

6. One day I hope to own my very own photography studio loft. Photography is my passion.

7. I graduated from Salisbury University with a degree in Communications. My track was Public Relations and Journalism. I have a minor in Psychology.

8. My family and friends mean the world to me.

9. I love the Lord and have a personal relationship with Him.

10. My favorite emotion is laughter through tears.

11. I am living in the city currently but I am a country girl at heart.

12. I love meaningful conversations.

13. I believe everything happens for a reason.

14. I am really good at reading body language and "seeing through" people...weather it is good or bad.

15. I am an outgoing person but am also content being by myself.

If you would like to play along with me...shoot me an email and include your picture and fifteen facts about yourself. I would love to read what you have to say!

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