Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick's Day & Day 3 Picture Challenge

I did not think I was going to get a chance to blog today. Well..surprise...surprise! Logan had his 18 month well-check today. He had his last round of shots today...thank the Lord! He does not need another shot until he is 4. Bless his little bones...I hate to see him upset when he has to get a needle. He also is not due for another well-check until he is 2. He is at the top percentile as far his motor skills, height, weight, etc. However, I went into this appointment with one concern. I think by this point Logan should be saying a whole lot more than he is. His vocabulary consists of about 10 words which is ok but is borderline speech delay according to Logan's pediatrician. Logan does anything we ask him to do..go get a book, go get a toy...when asked where his tummy, nose, ears, feet, etc. are he will point to them. And as I already mentioned, he will say a few words. Logan's ped. recommended that we take Logan to an Auditory and Speech Therapist. He does not forsee any problems and also forsees his vocabulary to increase really soon. However, if it doesn't, he will continue to see the speech therapist. The pediatrician also said that more than likely he will not need speech therapy, he is just being precautious.

My honest thought: ...... OMG....I really think that this whole speech therapy thing at this point is crap. I am not discounting speech therapy because I really do feel like in some cases it is needed. However, I do not think Logan needs this. I am no doctor so maybe I am wrong. I am going with it though and doing what they tell me to do. I feel Logan will start talking more in his own time. Jack and I have already put our feelers out to parents we know asking them if they ever had similar experiences. We have found that there are several kids we know who have also gone through this and it ended up not being a big deal. That is what I am hoping for...praying for anyway.

Although I feel in my heart Logan is fine, I still can not help but have a little anxiety over this.

Please keep Logan in your prayers.

I have probally lost most of you by now with all of my venting. Thanks for being patient and for reading my babble if you did. : )

On a lighter note.....


Green milk for my little leprechaun.

I let Logan drink his green milk from a glass so he could see what he was drinking and this is what happened.

St. Patty's Day cookies!

Lucky Charms were on the menu too!

Logan's St. Patty's Day homemade mobile.

Reminder...I am doing a 30 day picture challenge for fun. So far I have done good by doing 3 days in a row! Go me! : )
Day 3
A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
google image
I have been watching Live with Regis and Kelly for years! I even watched it when it was Regis and Kathie Lee. I occasionally send Logan's picture in to their inbox in hopes that one day they will show it Live on their show! : ) Logan will just love me one day for that. I will miss Regis when he retires. I have always believed that I could had been their third wheel on this show. (tee hee)

We got home from Logan's appointment in Portsmouth around 11:30. I gave Logan a bath, fed him lunch, (and yes...I fed him more than just sugary ceral, green milk, and cookies) : )  and then he went right to sleep. Little munchkin has had a big day. That is why I had the time to blog today. It is rare that I ever blog when Logan is up. I hope everyone has a great weekend coming up!

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