Monday, March 28, 2011

Williamsburg and Big Boy Bed

Logan in his toddler bed.

fast asleep....
the ferry.

Everyone knows that Logan has had issues sleeping in his crib. He has been sleeping with Jack and I for a while now. We finally decided to turn his crib into the toddler bed the other day. I put Logan down today for a nap in his big boy bed. He got in and out of the bed several times. I thought that was a good sign. Usually when I put him in the crib he would throw a BIG fit. It took him a little while to go down but he finally did! First nap a success in the toddler bed. He slept for about an hour and I was so HAPPY!

Jack and I had a nice date in Williamsburg the other day. My parents had a good time with Logan too! I am sorry that I do not have many pictures from our date. We just really enjoyed each others company. Honestly, I really did not think too much of taking pictures, we were having fun! We took the ferry into Williamsburg. I love that! Just check out the Yankee Candle store in Williamsburg. It is HUGE and we LOVE it!

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