Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 7

A picture of your most treasured item.

If my house was burning down and I could only save one item in my house...(this being a scenario that every living person and animal were outside and safe)...I would grab all the pictures that I can. All of my newer pictures are saved in places where I can retrieve them from anywhere. However, all my old pictures are not so they are irreplaceable to me.


The little purple flower looks like ladies wearing bonnets to me.

In the car killing time for Logan's 18 month check-up.

Logan liked the purple flower too.

The purple and yellow flowers have always been a sign to me that spring is almost here. They are also a reminder of my childhood as well. I know they are just weeds but I still like to call them flowers. : ) I am so ready for warm weather.

Logan goes for his Audiology evaluation on March 23rd at 8:30 am. I do not forsee any problems at this appointment. I feel like Logan's hearing is normal. Just this morning I let our dogs outside. We were inside and the tv was on, he could hear one of our dogs barking. I know he heard it because he always smiles and laughs when he hears the dogs bark outside. I have even whispered words Logan can say to see if he hears me. He says them back to me in a whisper too.

We are still waiting for Logan's speech therapy referral to go through. This is the appointment I dread.

This is a little hurdle we are going through right now. Unfortunatley, this little hurdle has also brought on much anxiety for me too. I will update you as soon as I find out something.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Especially Logan. I so wish it was me that was going through this and not Logan.

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