Monday, March 7, 2011

Cedar Point

I am WAY behind on posting pictures. Thanks to my faithful readers who have patiently waited for an updated post. The older Logan gets the more difficult it is to find time to blog. He keeps Jack and I busy, that's for sure! I will always try my best to keep my blog up-to-date so you know what Logan has been up to. (This goes especially for friends and family back home that we do not get to see as often as we would like.) I had to make a little trip to the Eastern Shore a little while back. Logan and I made a stop to one of our favorite spots, Cedar Point. It is so pretty there and it was such a nice day. Logan liked looking at the water. I think this little hat of his is about wore out. I have mentioned before that I LOVE this hat. However, I think it is about time to retire it.  : ( 

Logan has been taking a loooong nap this morning. He is either really, really sleepy or he is getting sick. I hope not. However, his lengthy slumber time has allowed me to share this post with all you fine folks!

 Have a great day!

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