Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Here are some random pictures for you. I wanted to especially share the first picture with you. This is what happens when I put socks on Logan. I have mentioned before that my child loves to go barefoot. He absolutley despises anything on his feet. He yanks the socks right off as soon as I put them on. In this particular picture he was throwing a fit! I was trying out a new red prop background the other day with Logan. He would not sit still longer than one second. So I resorted to my first live subject ever, Skyler. haha. : )

Sunday, February 20, 2011

my boy

So the first picture is Logan's new forward roll thing that he has been doing. Logan has also been putting his finger up to his lips and saying "shhhh" alot...(even when no one is talking)...haha. Get a load of that dimple on my little boy. I could kiss that dimple right off his cheek! And yes...I know that is a random picture of Logan's feet. I'll explain. The other day Lo was eating lunch and had no socks on of course. Is it me or are Logan's feet big? : ) I think I am going to have a big boy on my hands later on! Finally, the last picture is Logan eating lunch, (the food he is showing in his mouth make that obvious)....so he's eating and clapping. I guess it's just Logan being, well, Logan! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

homemade valentine

Logan and I made this valentine for Jack a few days before V-Day. I got tickled when I saw some of the messages on the hearts. They really have changed a lot since I was young. One heart said, "Text me." Bahaha! Anyway, this is kind of cheesy but we had fun making it. P.S. I have no idea why my blog has been formatting weird like this. I can not seem to fix it! If anyone knows how to fix it please HELP!

Friday, February 18, 2011

a favorite quote......

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost

I have always loved this quote and these pictures reminded me of it.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Logan's girls.

My bestie, Catherine and her sister, Sarah came over for a visit yesterday. Logan loves them! Catherine is expecting this fall. What a beautiful baby he/she will be! Please keep Cat, her hubby, and the baby in your prayers! : )

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lone Star Lakes

I have been blog happy today. I have really tried to catch up on sharing my pictures with you. According to these pictures...looks like Logan and I took Jack to the park....haha. Honestly, it is rare Jack ever goes down the slide like this when we go to the park. I had to capture the moment. I think he is so cute! We had a good day.


Logan and Landon take a second to cheese for me this morning! We had plans to go to the park today but it was pretty cold out. They still had a blast indoors. These two guys sure are the sweetest!

Valentine's Day

Last year for Valentine's Day we went to VA Beach. This year we went to Smithfield, VA. One of my favorite places to eat is downtown at the Smithfield Bakery. They have the best chicken salad sandwich on homemade tomato basil bread. We spent the rest of the day playing outside in the yard. It was 70 degrees! I hope you had a day full of LOVE! My two guys really showered me with love on V-Day! I am one lucky girl!


My birfday!

Passing the football. : )

Pho 79

Last week was my birthday and my hubby and son made it a special day for me. Jack was off from work all day so I had both my boys! That right there made it the best day. Both of the pictures posted above of Logan and I tickle me. It looks like he is making the same face in both pictures. We could not get a smile out of him for nothing when we tried taking pictures. I promise he was a happy boy that day! : ) We went out to lunch to Pho 70 and had the best soup ever! We love that place. we went shopping and ran into my girls Lisa and Pam! What a nice surprise to see those ladies! : ) The day after my birthday my in-laws came down to see us too. They got me a pretty "Kristen" cake! Jack and his dad installed closet doors in our house and I gave my mother-in-law a makeover. She was a brave soul to let me do her hair and makeup for fun. hehe. Thanks for coming down! We love you! I still can not believe in one more year I will be out of my 20's and in my 30's! Wow! Where does the time go?

Thank you again for all the cards, texts, emails, calls, gifts, cakes, (I ate enough cake to last me the rest of the year!)....etc. I have the best friends and family!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I am blessed to have 2 Valentines this year. #1 Jack and #2 Logan. What more can a
girl ask for? I love these guys with all my heart. I hope you have a blessed day that is full of LOVE.

Friday, February 11, 2011

thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has been sending birthday messages this morning. I truly appreciate your expressions of kindness and love. I have already been serenaded by my niece, Grace with her birthday song! Loved it! I am home today with both my boys. I could not ask for more. I have been blessed with 29 years of being surrounded by amazing family and friends. Love you all!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

17 Months

My baby is turning into a big boy with each passing day. I see changes in him everyday and I just want to slow the hands of time. Although I know this is not possible, I am still holding on to every precious moment with Logan.
What Logan has been up to.............
  • Favorite foods: bananas, cheerios, goldfish, chicken nuggets, turkey, peas, greenbeans, sweet potatoes, Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, lasagna..(he pretty much eats everything!) He loves water, milk, and cran-grape juice.
  • Still loves his paci, pillow pet, and blankie.
  • Loves to be barefoot!
  • Plays with pots, pans, etc....
  • Climbs up on everything!
  • Watches Sprout and his favorite shows are Thomas and Friends, Sesame Street, Monkey See, Monkey Do, Caillou, Fireman Sam...etc.
  • Gets excited when the house phone rings.
  • Loves his swingset his daddy made him and the slides at the park.
  • Gives kisses and hugs on his own.
  • When asked where his toy duck is he will bring it to you, when asked to go get a book he will get one for you, when asked to stand or sit he will do that for you...he basically will do anything he is asked to do....He has even learned to go to the fridge to get us a snack and a drink.....JUST KIDDING! hahaha : )
  • Drinks from his sippie cup and a regular cup on his own.
  • Eats his food with a fork and sometimes his hands still.
  • Loves to sleep in the middle of mommy and daddy.
  • Loves brushing his teeth.
  • Logan's chore for us is to let Tobey and Sky out of their cages when we get home from somewhere. He loves it! We wouldn't make him do it if he didn't.
  • Plays with tags on anything...it seems to soothe him. Random but...true.
  • Waves hello and bye bye and blows kisses.
  • Baby boy has a temper but is mostly sweet as honey.
  • Loves music and loves to dance.
  • Favorite toys are his guitar, Weebles Treehouse, our cell phones, and Magna Doodle.
It has been a great 17 months! Love you Logan!


So sweet.

Relaxing after a hard days work at the.... PARK!


My happy boy.

Wow! I get this place all to myself?!

The new post editor on blogger is not working properly. So I had to resort to the old post editor. This is a bummer because the old one does not allow you to enlarge your pictures. This has been my hold-up for blogging. However, I am sure you would appreciate something rather than nothing. So here you go! Hopefully we will be up and running soon!

Logan and I went to the park here in our town a few days ago. He had the entire place to himself. Although I am sure he would had preferred some buddies there. We are looking forward to our playdate here with his friend Landon next week!

We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. The snow is so pretty. However, I am wishing for spring in my heart! Warmer temperatures are in MY forecast! : )

I turn 29 tomorrow. Oh my! Time flies! I remember crying when I turned 25 because I was getting close to 30. I would take 25 back in a heartbeat. Guess I will the same thing about 29 when I am turning 39. : )

Have a GREAT day friends.