Tuesday, February 15, 2011


My birfday!

Passing the football. : )

Pho 79

Last week was my birthday and my hubby and son made it a special day for me. Jack was off from work all day so I had both my boys! That right there made it the best day. Both of the pictures posted above of Logan and I tickle me. It looks like he is making the same face in both pictures. We could not get a smile out of him for nothing when we tried taking pictures. I promise he was a happy boy that day! : ) We went out to lunch to Pho 70 and had the best soup ever! We love that place. we went shopping and ran into my girls Lisa and Pam! What a nice surprise to see those ladies! : ) The day after my birthday my in-laws came down to see us too. They got me a pretty "Kristen" cake! Jack and his dad installed closet doors in our house and I gave my mother-in-law a makeover. She was a brave soul to let me do her hair and makeup for fun. hehe. Thanks for coming down! We love you! I still can not believe in one more year I will be out of my 20's and in my 30's! Wow! Where does the time go?

Thank you again for all the cards, texts, emails, calls, gifts, cakes, (I ate enough cake to last me the rest of the year!)....etc. I have the best friends and family!

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