Thursday, February 10, 2011


So sweet.

Relaxing after a hard days work at the.... PARK!


My happy boy.

Wow! I get this place all to myself?!

The new post editor on blogger is not working properly. So I had to resort to the old post editor. This is a bummer because the old one does not allow you to enlarge your pictures. This has been my hold-up for blogging. However, I am sure you would appreciate something rather than nothing. So here you go! Hopefully we will be up and running soon!

Logan and I went to the park here in our town a few days ago. He had the entire place to himself. Although I am sure he would had preferred some buddies there. We are looking forward to our playdate here with his friend Landon next week!

We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. The snow is so pretty. However, I am wishing for spring in my heart! Warmer temperatures are in MY forecast! : )

I turn 29 tomorrow. Oh my! Time flies! I remember crying when I turned 25 because I was getting close to 30. I would take 25 back in a heartbeat. Guess I will the same thing about 29 when I am turning 39. : )

Have a GREAT day friends.

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