Sunday, February 20, 2011

my boy

So the first picture is Logan's new forward roll thing that he has been doing. Logan has also been putting his finger up to his lips and saying "shhhh" alot...(even when no one is talking)...haha. Get a load of that dimple on my little boy. I could kiss that dimple right off his cheek! And yes...I know that is a random picture of Logan's feet. I'll explain. The other day Lo was eating lunch and had no socks on of course. Is it me or are Logan's feet big? : ) I think I am going to have a big boy on my hands later on! Finally, the last picture is Logan eating lunch, (the food he is showing in his mouth make that obvious) he's eating and clapping. I guess it's just Logan being, well, Logan! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

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