Saturday, February 5, 2011


4 generations...My momma, grandmother, Logan, and I.
This was the first time Logan met his great grandmother.
Logan was 1 month old.

Happy Birthday to my grandmother, Margaret! She is "90" today!

Some of my fondest memories with Mommom were going to the pool with her and my sister, going shopping and going to the movies, feeding the squirls in her backyard on Pine Bluff Road, Christmas Eve at my parents house and watching White Christmas, our trip to New York to Radio City Music Hall, riding my tricycle while she walked alongside of me, looking at old pictures and hearing her talk about the "old days," going to the zoo, eating Domino's pizza and her taking me and my sister to Arby's...hehe. I am glad I got to share all those times with my sister making it all even more fun!

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