Thursday, February 10, 2011

17 Months

My baby is turning into a big boy with each passing day. I see changes in him everyday and I just want to slow the hands of time. Although I know this is not possible, I am still holding on to every precious moment with Logan.
What Logan has been up to.............
  • Favorite foods: bananas, cheerios, goldfish, chicken nuggets, turkey, peas, greenbeans, sweet potatoes, Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, lasagna..(he pretty much eats everything!) He loves water, milk, and cran-grape juice.
  • Still loves his paci, pillow pet, and blankie.
  • Loves to be barefoot!
  • Plays with pots, pans, etc....
  • Climbs up on everything!
  • Watches Sprout and his favorite shows are Thomas and Friends, Sesame Street, Monkey See, Monkey Do, Caillou, Fireman Sam...etc.
  • Gets excited when the house phone rings.
  • Loves his swingset his daddy made him and the slides at the park.
  • Gives kisses and hugs on his own.
  • When asked where his toy duck is he will bring it to you, when asked to go get a book he will get one for you, when asked to stand or sit he will do that for you...he basically will do anything he is asked to do....He has even learned to go to the fridge to get us a snack and a drink.....JUST KIDDING! hahaha : )
  • Drinks from his sippie cup and a regular cup on his own.
  • Eats his food with a fork and sometimes his hands still.
  • Loves to sleep in the middle of mommy and daddy.
  • Loves brushing his teeth.
  • Logan's chore for us is to let Tobey and Sky out of their cages when we get home from somewhere. He loves it! We wouldn't make him do it if he didn't.
  • Plays with tags on seems to soothe him. Random but...true.
  • Waves hello and bye bye and blows kisses.
  • Baby boy has a temper but is mostly sweet as honey.
  • Loves music and loves to dance.
  • Favorite toys are his guitar, Weebles Treehouse, our cell phones, and Magna Doodle.
It has been a great 17 months! Love you Logan!

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