Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lake Prince Fishing Station

My precious little boy.

I love him so.

His hair is getting a little too long in the back but I love it!

My little explorer.

When he outgrows this hat, I will be sad. : (

Look at that blonde hair blowing in the breeze.

Our day started out good and ended good as well. Jack had the morning off before getting underway. So we had french toast and coffee together. I love mornings like that. This afternoon Logan and I took advantage of the 70 degree weather and went to a little bank down the street from our house. You can fish there or go boating but we just wondered around on the bank. It was a beautiful day today. Logan really needed to get out of the house and run around and blow off some energy. He was running everywhere. It did my heart good to see him run around so freely. Our backyard does not have a lot of room so this was perfect.

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